Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bodypump rules

So I went along to a bodypump class yesterday afternoon. It has been ages since I have been to one - like not since the beginning of last year. Thankfully today I am less sore than the first ever time I did the class, and I can even walk!!

But I just forgot how much I enjoyed it. Not because I feel like I have to do exercise to lose weight (although that is always in the back of my mind), but because I like knowing I am doing something good for myself. I remember going regularly and enjoying it whenever I got to a point where I could add more weight to my bar, and knowing I was getting stronger. Its quite an empowering feeling to some point.

My next aim is bodycombat cos I also loved that class. I know that might hurt more, and involves a lot more cardio so will be more challenging. But punching and kicking imaginary things/objects/people is such good stress relief. That and then some yoga mixed in should do me for a while. The guy at the gym told me I could also do bodystep and bodyattack for variety. Attack I like. Step i do like sometimes. So for now rather than doing it because I have to, i might do the stuff I enjoy doing until going becomes some form of a habit.

Enjoying exercise is quite a revelation to me. I always knew I liked classes but focusing in on the other good points is helping too :)

Of course, this could all change tomorrow when the real aftereffects of bodypump kick in - the second day afterwards is usually the killer


Starcryer said...

I find that the day and two days after are killers too. What I do, is break each ache down into "which muscles hurt, which exercise did this come from, how did I feel when I did that exercise, how can I stretch it out". Cause I find that there is a difference between the pain of muscles exercised and the pain of muscles damamged, and once you remember the difference it isn't so bad, cause you realise that you are doing good things for your body (even if your body is complaining, cause your body will get over it with practise)...

also, I find blaming all my pain on my instructor helps too... that might just be me though :p

aurora said...

Yeah I must say that I do enjoy the pain. Exercise pain is a reminder that I did something, and that if I keep doing it, it will hurt less (in theory...)

The pain of muscles damaged is not fun :(

Its mostly my thighs today - thanks to a LOT of squats and some lunges, and I can feel my triceps and shoulders/chest starting to get there too. Think might do some yoga tonight to stretch it out a bit.... Or just some stretches in general :)