Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guys = confusion

So last night, went round to the boys and had drinks with him and his mates. Stupidly, in my head, thought this was a good sign. So turns out that apart from his flatmates (who are a couple), none of his friends had any idea who I was, or that I even existed before last night. So thats cool

It was fun and then he said his female flatmate was coming home soon and wanted to suss me out. So that was cool until I said 'why does she care what im like seeing as this is just for fun after all' and he said that was why she wanted to check me out.... Presumably to make sure thats all I was after as well??

So yeah, but we left to come back to my place before she got home, and I was too chicken to bring up the subject again, plus we were drunk and then hungover this morning.....

Hes about to go for a holiday for a week so I might just leave it till he comes back. I have the feeling this is really not going anywhere and I dont know whether to ignore it because I do really like spending time with him. Or just to quit. Or maybe at least just mention that its not all just fun for me anymore and see what happens....

Also he got told that he is being laid off from work and he mentioned looking around for work while hes down south next week, so that also sucks...

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