Friday, March 26, 2010

This Way of Life

I went and saw this movie/documentary last night. And havent stopped thinking about it since.
The tag line is Peter's quote "What do I do for a living? I live for a living", and it sums everything up nicely.

Here is a family, who don't have a lot, and then go on to lose a whole lot more. And yet they are some of the happiest people I've seen. The kids (there are 6 of them) are just always smiling and all get along so well, and all without television or much in the way of material posessions.

They have each other, their horses, and thats about it. Its just made me appreciate that family and friends are what its all about, and 'stuff' is really just that - its just STUFF. Who cares if you dont have a fancy tv or a nice car? Who cares if you have fuck all money?

Just so inspiring and thought provoking, and makes you appreciate what youve got. So many people have so much, and yet are miserable. And these guys have nothing, and are so happy and grateful with what they have, and feel blessed just to have each other.

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