Friday, March 26, 2010

This Way of Life

I went and saw this movie/documentary last night. And havent stopped thinking about it since.
The tag line is Peter's quote "What do I do for a living? I live for a living", and it sums everything up nicely.

Here is a family, who don't have a lot, and then go on to lose a whole lot more. And yet they are some of the happiest people I've seen. The kids (there are 6 of them) are just always smiling and all get along so well, and all without television or much in the way of material posessions.

They have each other, their horses, and thats about it. Its just made me appreciate that family and friends are what its all about, and 'stuff' is really just that - its just STUFF. Who cares if you dont have a fancy tv or a nice car? Who cares if you have fuck all money?

Just so inspiring and thought provoking, and makes you appreciate what youve got. So many people have so much, and yet are miserable. And these guys have nothing, and are so happy and grateful with what they have, and feel blessed just to have each other.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hypocrite much?

So I take it back. All the times I have been a bitter old hag to those around me in new relationships, I apologise. I used to get so frustrated with friends who spent ALL their time with new partners and hardly ever made time for their friends. And while I still think it is dumb to do that, I now see exactly how it happens as I have become guilty of the same thing.

I just love spending my time with him. And when Im not spending time with him, Im somewhat bored and wishing he was around. Do I just enjoy this while it lasts? Its got to wear off eventually right??

I just have never felt this way before, where I have actually wanted to spend so much time with someone. I always think of myself as a pretty independent person. And even when there have been guys involved previously, Ive been more than happy to retain my independence and spend only a small amount of time with said guy. And now - Ive seen him everyday for the last week and I couldnt be happier about it.

Part of me wonders if it is partly cos I dont have that many friends down here, so its not as if I have other options or whatever.... But even when I went home last weekend and hung with Amy and went to a friends wedding, I couldnt wait to come back and see him, even though I spend Saturday morning with him anyway and it was only about 36 hours apart....

Crazy. Who am I?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy? Or should that be... Happy!!!

Its such a weird feeling... Not really used to it, but man is it awesome :)

So I have this wonderful boyfriend. Hes actually just amazing. Makes me laugh and smile just thinking about him, plus I can have serious conversations with him about all sorts. I opened up to him last night about all my family drama, more specifically all the shit with mum, and it was actually pretty easy, which was nice. And he opens up and talks to me so easily about all sorts - its just awesome.

Bascially I could gush on for ages about how amazing he is, and how Im actually happy, but I think this short little story does more than enough :)