At the moment I feel like I am living with 3 people - Hayley (wonderful flatmate), Jeremy (lovely boyfriend), and my crazy self. Sometimes happy and easy going, sometimes emotional and crying at the drop of a hate. Sometimes grumpy and tired and moody as fuck.
Luckily Hayley is spared from most of it, and Jeremy seems to be dealing with it quite well, and it is me that suffers the most.
Earlier this week I had a small melt down because I was getting sick and ordinarily, when not co-habitating with a guy, I would come home, put on my pjs, and hibernate in my bed with my laptop doing absolutely nothing of value. This time I came home, hopped in bed and then watched him on the laptop. Instead of really saying anything, I built it all up in my head into this big drama. I went and had a shower and came back and said that I was having trouble because I needed some time to myself, and he happily went out to the supermarket and out of my hair for a while. All the angst and drama was purely created by me in my head - arghhhh.
I am better at talking about things - but it is a big change for me. And I think he appreciates that and gets it for the most part.
Apart from those small 'Arghh I need some me-time' moments, everything is going well. Small silly arguments but nothing major yet. Both get tired and grumpy but we're able to hug it out after a wee while.
So is the need for me-time just normal?? I think it also comes down to living in such a small space, and not having a lot of room to stretch out. Plus I am not very good at sharing. Im not an only child so Ive shared a lot in the past with my brother (and none of that 'I want to play with that toy cos he is' kind of drama) - but that was quite a while ago, and Ive never had to share a room.
For those who have shared rooms with siblings - does that make living with a partner any easier? Is it just that it will take time to adjust to always being in each others face? And any tips or suggestions on making the transition go smoothly???