So J has moved in. I mean, he was there over half the time anyway - but yesterday we were thinking he should just start living there full time. Scary shit. First time either of us have lived with a partner. And we've only been together for 4 months. We're both a little nervous and apprehensive at sharing a space all the time - mostly cos its new and that makes it scary. And a bit exciting. He also mentioned feeling slightly weird over the fact that he has come into my space - but then its just for a few months (well, till near the end of the year - when we will find a flat that is also dog-appropriate).
Ive never had to share a room before. Im not an only child, and Ive been flatting for a while, so Im used to sharing in general - but not my own personal space. But fingers crossed that we can do this. And as long as we keep our communication open and honest - we should be ok. His mum and stepdad are super supportive too so thats nice.
And hopefully we dont drive Hayley nuts. We were acting like children yesterday having silly arguments in the kitchen (the "theres another loaf of bread", "well youre a loaf of bread" type of arguments lol) - to which she said "and my mother wonders why I dont want kids..." lol. Luckily she is awesome and easygoing so hopefully it all works out nicely :)